Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Slow Down My Darlings...

First, Jordan.  I see so much change in my oldest daughter as she is completeing her third week of pre-school.  She only goes 3 days a week but there is clear change in her.  I noticed it especially when we went to Chick-fil-a for dinner yesterday evening.  After eating all of her chicken and most of her fruit cup, she happily went to play in their indoor playroom.  Without fear or reservation, she seamlessly joined the group of kids who were older than her and were playing a game of tag.  I watched like a hawk for roughhousing from the bigger kids but it was a nice group.  One bigger girl took Jordy by the hand to play.  Soon, Jordy was running around like she was one of them.  Usually, Jordy has trouble getting bigger kids to play with her.  She is very verbal with a high level vocabulary.  But her size and age throw the big kids off.  She seems to have found a way to get along.

Other areas of vast improvement are in her art.  Her drawing are much clearer.  Where her princess drawings used to be scribble people, they clearly have a head, body, arms, legs, and faces.  She even did one with hair, ears, and a tiara!  Her painting is improving.  I have notices as well a sweetness with her sister.  I see them hugging more, sharing more, and seeking each other out to play.  This has always worried it might not happen.  Jordy was so indifferent to Emily except to display jealous at the attention she received until Emily started walking.  It has lightened my heart a great deal to see their interactions group and develop.

Which brings me to Emily.  That hair cut I gave her really makes her look more grown up.  She has been cutting her K9s on the bottom so has been irratable.  She is joyful and flexible as long as she isn't ignored.  She is much more self-sufficient than Jordy was at her age.  She will happily play by herself coloring or with blocks, then she'll wonder over for a huge and chat, then wander off again for some independent play.  It's the best because I'm able to get a lot done. 

What I have noticed the most in the last month is how much more specific her language is.  She isn't just saying one word at a time. She is stringing together words to create sentences and mixing them with intelligent babble.  I call it that because her phrasing is so repeatitive that I'm convinced she is saying something and trying to get us to understand but it's still just baby.  Some of her catch phrases are:
  • Ready to go?  Get shoes! Let's go! Buh-gye (this is all said while pulling on a back or trying to open the front door).
  • Where Daddy?  Work Daddy?  Daddy! (Always said in the car on the ride home or when we walk in the door but have beat Josh home).
  • Watch Caillou?  Watch Caillou?  Yeah! (She loves Callou from PBS Kids)
We are working on developing more of her signs.  She LOVES LOVES LOVES Baby Signing Time.  She can sign everything from the videos pretty decently but isn't using them outside the videos because they just aren't being as closely reinforced.  I'm working on it. 

Love these kids!  I'm hoping for some time at the park this weekend.  Want to find a decent walking trail that's in the shade.  Gotta start getting back on that weight loss wagon!

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