Monday, September 5, 2011

This is as good as it gets

Neither one of my girls woke in the night...until Jordan came crying to me at about 6am.  She'd had a nightmare about rats getting into her room (yuck).  She was wimpering and sniffling.  Just pitiful.  She crawled in to snuggle, wrapping arms around my neck and tucking her knees against my belly.  She was still quietly crying so I hugged her a little tighter.  I heard a whispered, "I love you, Mommy", a little sign and then her deep breathing that told me she had fallen asleep again.

It just can't get any better than that.  I live for those moments with Jordan.  Our days are filled with her tulmultous four  year old emotions.  We spend just as much time laughing and playing as we do arguing and debating.  So those quiet moments where she is loving and snuggly are priceless to me.

Emily woke up not too long after Jordan fell back asleep.  She crawled into bed between Josh and I.  Threw one arm over her head and demanded soft tickles on her side, "Tickle me Mom-mom".  With both of my babies in bed with me...both cuddling closer; Jordan sleeping, Emily demanding attention.  I feel content and happy.  These miracles are mine.  I am constantly challenged; my emotions, my patience, my ability to give attention and balance my career.  But I am constantly rewarded; with new vocabulary and milestones met; with smiles and giggles during tickle fights; with warm cuddles to start my day with.

I don't stop often enough to appreciate my daughter's unique gifts or their roles in shaping me as a person.  I am stronger because they are in my life.  They teach me more about who I am than anyone or any experience I have ever had. 

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