Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Starts!

Summer has officially started at my house.  I turned in my classroom keys Friday morning.  I am beyond grateful that my mother-in-law, Linda, is such a caring and supportive force in my family's lives.  She took the girls all day so that Josh (who just happened to work so much this week they gave him Friday off too), and I could go to the movies.  Of course, we are total movies snobs and can't just go to see one movie.  We saw 3!!!

First we saw X-men: First Class.  It was okay.  The stuff between Professor X and Magneto was great.  The actors did a compelling job of communicating that these two men were like brothers but they simply could not agree.  There wasn't nearly enough action for my tastes...also I like the laster hereos a little more...the first class was a little lack luster for me. 

The second movie, we saw was Pirates.  It was the fourth in a chain of movies.  It just wasn't the same without Kiera Knightly and Orlanda Bloom.  Johnny was Johnny.  Again, the parts I like most were between Barbosa and Jack Sparrow (two male leads).  Black Beard wasn't nearly as menacing away from his ship.  Penelope Cruz was annoying.  It was entertaining but not as good as it's predecessors.  The third movie we saw was Super 8, which I was only willing to see because Josh wanted to see it so badly.  I really enjoyed it.  It felt, to me, like a kick back to Close Encounters, ET, Goonies.  Those 80's action adventures but with today's technological enhancements.  I enjoyed it a lot.  The kids in it were great!

The girls enjoyed their day as well.  They got to go to a splash park, Chick-fil-a, and movies at their Nini's.  They had a blast without us.

Saturday was chill day.  Jordan had her first T-ball game.  She was AH-MAZE-ING!  She likes it so much more than soccer.  I think because everyone takes turns to bat, and there is a clear path for her to run bases.  She enjoys trying to catch the ball with her very sport black and pink glove, and doesn't seem to mind the pile up for the ball that these 4 years olds tend to do.  Her  best friend (boyfriend?) from school, Trevor, plays on another team but she if very excited to be able to see him every week.  She misses him and dress up days the most about school.  Vicki and Mike, Josh's aunt and uncle, came for the end of the game so we went out to lunch with them.  We took turns take naps the rest of the night.

Emily is a full grown two year old, mood swings and all!  I am realizing how different these children are.  When Emily gets an idea of something she wants to do in her head...there is no reasoning with her, there is no bargaining, bribing, or repremanding.  The only thing that seems to work...Mom you are totally going to love reverse psychology!  The minutes I tell her she can't give me something, she hands it to me.  If I tell her there is no way she can be quiet, she hushes up.  It's kind of hilarious when I'm not getting frustrated with it.  Jordan is a negotiator, a charmer, and a pleaser. 

These are wonderful and challenging times!

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