Sunday, August 8, 2010

car singing rocks my world

Today was beauty day for this Momma.  It has been a year since I got my hair colored so I went so that I would look put together during our cruise. Plus the day after we get home, I start work and wont have time to get it done before I go back.  Went a little nuts and got red lowlights and bright blond highlights. 

I don't like to take the girls with me when I go get my hair done for several reasons.  (1) They have the patience of knats.  (2) The chemicals in the air.  (3) It's "me" time.  At any rate, I had my nephew watch them at my sister's house.  Jordan LOVES going to her Aunt Leigh Leigh's house.  Kyleigh and Jacob are a nice change of pace from just being at home with Momma or running errands.  Emily also seems to really enjoy being around all the noise and hustle of playing that exists there. 

On the way to Leigh's house, I was singing some song that was playing on the radio (I think it was a Kelly Clarkson son), and not well I will add, but I still belt it out like a rock star because whose listening but my kids and they don't care what I sound like...yet.  So, I'm singing and rocking out with Kelly when I hear this light, sing-songy, high-pitched voice coming from the back seat.  There are some la-las but no melody.  This isn't Jordan, I decide, since Jordan just tries to see Twinkle Twinkle or Mary had a Little Lamb louder than I'm singing.  I tilt the rearview mirror to glance at Emily.  She's staring out the window bobbing her head to the beat and singing away in her own little Emily Language.  My heart melts. 

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