We have decided to adopt Capri into our home. She came in and just kind of captured all of our hearts. I am absolutely shocked that we are adopting our first foster dog. She is a lot smaller than what we had talked about getting...although she is only 4.5 months old and could grow more. She has certainly grown since we got her.
Now we need to decide if we are going to keep her name. I rarely call her Capri. I call her Capresi (cap-ree-see) or little girl. So now we will probably start the name game.
Jordy likes Mesmerelda, Mezzy for short. She says, "Because she came in an mesmerized us". HA! We will see. I like Mezzy.
And I hate to be cliché but she is like a shadow the way she follows me around so that might be an option too. I remember it taking us forever to name Zoe. The name the breeder gave her was Latte. That didn't suit her at all. We loved the name Zoe from the tv show, Firefly, and that stuck.
Capri is technically Jordan's dog so she gets the final say on names. She has talked about naming her Oreo too. Time will tell. For now though, we are just enjoying all the snuggles she gives.