Sunday, September 19, 2010

First Swimming Class for Jordy

She was very hesitant. She told the male teacher, Phil, that she was just going to stay on the deep step (which is the pvc pipe steps leading into the shallow end of the pool). He was able to coax her to sit on the ledge with the rest of her class. They taught them how to get in and out safely first. She did not want to do this either but the female teacher, Jasmine, was very animated. Jasmine did it a few times, then had Jordan do it a few times with her hands lightly around her middle, then Jordan was able to do it herself. She held onto the edge to kick like the other kids who had obviously been taking lessons previously. They used a kick board with assistance. She didn't want to do that either but after being held once my Jasmine and seeing the other kids, she bravely tried it and smiled the whole time. Then they each got to throw a floating pool toy out in the middle and the swim teachers held them around the middle so the kids could paddle and kick to get it. At the end they got to jump in. Jordan didn't want to. It was clear she thought they meant she was just going to jump in alone. Once she saw the teachers keep their hands, she did it and told me that was her favorite part. She can't wait to go back next weekend! Me either!

Jordan is the second one from the right in the pink bathing suit.Kick baby Kick!  

Emily, on the other had, has been a little miserable.  I took both girls in yesterday morning to the doctors.  Can I just say how wonderful it is to have a pediatrician who does sick visits on the weekends?!  I love Myrtle Pediatrics!  Jordan has a regular old cold that is on the outs and Emily has a full on sinus infection!  She is supposed to take medicine for 10 days, 2x's a day, 1 1/4 tsp.  She has NEVER taken medicine well.  She sputters, coughs, thrashes, pushes, screams.  I've tried wrapping her in a blanket, blowing in her face, coating the dispenser in sugar, mixing it in's a battle everytime and I have no idea how much she is actually getting.

Despite the sniffles, we took the girls to the part and to Cici's just to get them out of the house.  We were all getting a little stir crazy yesterday.  Here is a link to the pictures from that outing.

Jordan and Emily had a blast!  Emily explored freely and with reckless abandon, testing her climbing abilities.  Her favorite has always been the swings.  She let Daddy swing her for a very long time and nearly fell asleep.  Jordan said her favorite part was the colorful slide because it was pretty, tall, and fast.  I thought it was extremely impressive that she climbed the web by herself.  She was extremely proud of herself and so were we.

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