A few days before we were scheduled to leave, Jordy came down with a horrible cough. Josh and I alternated two nights in a row of sleeping with her out in the living room. Doctor informed us it was croup and gave us medicine. She was still coughing and taking meds the day of departure.
The morning we were to leave, I got up and got myself ready first. I began making a simple but filling breakfast for all of us. Eggs, toast, smoothies, and coffee for me. I can made the eggs and given some to Emily to get her started. She likes to eat by 8am on the dit dot or she'll let you know she's displeased! I got the ingredients needed to make straberry/banana/cherry smoothies. I turned away and didn't hear Jord come up behind me with her chair. She had positioned herself right in front of the stove. Before I could even realize she was in danger, she had placed her right hand on the flat top burner...which was off but was still hot from the eggs I'd made fro Emmy.
A personal nightmare of mine, she looked up at me with her large brown eyes. They screamed silently at me, "What is happening? Why do I hurt to bad?" I grabbed her up and put her hand under cool water at the sink. She was screaming and crying and her hand began to shake. I have absolutely no experience with serious burns so I put an ice pack on it. That made it worse. Then I got on the computer and looked up what I should do. I got a cool cloth and pressed it but she said the cloth hurt it. I debated whether to take her to the hospital or the doctors. I took the clothe off and realize her burn had already bubbled up. It was an angry red color, raised. It ran from the mound of skin just below her thumb down to her wrist. I have a great pediatrician so I called him first. His office told me to bring her right in. Within 20 minutes of her burn we were sitting in the doc's office.

This whole time at the doctor's, I was a hot mess. I started crying and just feeling so very guilty. I know better than to turn my back. I should have remained closer to the stove to block that hot area. I should have...I could have... I went over the scene in my mind a million times and every time I prevented the accident that had hurt my baby girl. The doctor noticed my distressed. He stopped what he was doing and sat with me for a minute. He reassured me that this happens often and doesn't reflect my parenting. He told me I had acted quickly and brought her in right away and that was the best I could do in the situation. I still felt like ass....but call me vain it felt good to have someone tell me I wasn't the worst mom inthe world.
So our vacation started out with quite an adventure. Jordan was acting a lot more like herself by the time we took her to her Nini's for the weekend. It was ten times harder to leave knowing she was hurting but I knew she was in capable hands that care for her as well as I could. We checked in often while away and realized Jordy was having a blast with her Neen and Papa!
The burn is healing slowly but it is healing. So, lesson learned. She avoids the stove now and I watch Em like a hawk when she comes in to see what I'm up to. She's tall enough to get both hands up on the counter when she's on tip toes and she's a climber.